With the Internet poised to change the lifestyles of people, AIRNET too strives to bring the latest and the best that the technology has to provide to its wide base of customers with the coming of FTTH broadband service, AIRNET was not to be left behind. As a sequel to the launch of AIRNET services, AIRNET launches FTTH Broadband services in July 2013. With the capability to provide ranges from 1Mbps to 1Gbps speed, AIRNET Broadband is poised to take

the FTTH segment by storm. Some of our key benefits are below


A guaranteed uptime of 99.99%, with Service Level Agreements which provide for penalties if this uptime is not maintained.

Fast Provisioning

Deployment of service within A days (you do not have to wait for months for the local telecom to terminate a leased circuit at your premises).

Single Point of Contact

AIRNET owns the "last mile" connection up to your premises, hence it is accountable for service levels between end-to-end.


Upgrade access speeds right up to 1 Gbps, with a choice of intermediate speeds. Upgrades are easy and quickly provisioned.


Upgrade access speeds for temporary periods to handle peaks in workload - a feature unmatched by current leased circuit based access offerings. Broadband FTTH Access delivers a high capacity data connection to a customer site, using fiber links for the "last mile" connectivity. This technology is based on Point-to-Multipoint fiber networks, installed by the service provider. Equipment at the customer site consists of a radio modem which is used to establish a link to the provider's nearest "Base Station". Access speeds of up to 1 Gbps can be offered using this technology. With the availability of direct fiber output at the subscriber end, we continue to bring simpler and cost effective solutions to our customers removing the need for converters from the conventional V.35

outputs. The link will not be affected under rainfall conditions.